Letter re: Philadelphia Trip

Dear Families,

Please read the information below so that your student is best prepared for the trip.

1. All students and chaperones must arrive at the school by 6:45am on Tuesday May, 14th.

2. Students must bring a bagged lunch and snacks to eat throughout the day. Students will be eating a later lunch than they are used to.

3. Students are permitted to use electronics on the bus. Students are responsible for their own belongings. Unfortunately, we will not be able to retrace our steps for missing personal belongings.

4. It is a dress down day for students. Students should wear comfortable clothing and appropriate footwear for our walking tour.

5. Please track the weather as the day approaches. The field trip will happen rain or shine, so please plan accordingly.

6. We strongly encourage students to bring a small backpack or drawstring bag to help transport their belongings.

We are looking forward to the trip.


The Fourth Grade Team