10/17/19 HW

Homework: Due Friday 10/18/2019

  1. Review for Exit Tickets 17-19 quiz
  2. Word Study: 5 Word Arts or a story containing 8 of the words from Unit 5

Upcoming Assessments: Friday 10/18/2019

Math: ET 17-19

Word Study: Unit 5 Quiz

*Monday 10/21/19 –

Math: Module 1 End Module Assessment*

10/16/19 HW

Homework: Due Thursday 10/17/2019

  1. Math: M1 L19 HW
  2. Word Study: “Completing packet  for unit 5
  3. Finish the second RACE response for Samhain v Halloween

Upcoming Assessments: Thurs 10/17/2019

RACE reading/writing response quiz

Friday 10/18/2019

Math: ET 17-19

Word Study: Unit 5 Quiz

10/15/19 HW

Homework: Due Wednesday 10/16/2019

  1. Math: M1 L18 HW
  2. Word Study: “Completing the Sentence” & “Word Associations”  for unit 5
  3. Vocabulary: Write a meaningful sentence for each “ped/pod” root word in your vocabulary notebook.
  4. Field Trip Permission Slip

Upcoming Assessments: Thurs 10/17/2019

RACE reading/writing response quiz

Friday 10/18/2019

Math: ET 17-19

Word Study: Unit 5 Quiz

10/11/19 HW

Homework: Due Tuesday 10/15/2019

  1. Math: Multi-digit addition and subtraction word problems sheet
  2. Word Study: Pages 46-51  for unit 5
  3. Vocabulary: Fill out the root word “ped/pod” definitions under the slip for each of the 5 words.
  4. Field Trip Permission Slip
  5. Complete the FIRST RACE question in the Samhain Vs. Halloween packet.

Upcoming Assessments: Thurs 10/17/2019

RACE reading/writing response quiz

Friday 10/18/2019

Math: ET 17-19

Word Study: Unit 5 Quiz

10/8/19 HW

Homework: Due Thursday 10/10/2019

  1. Naming Our Classroom Essay is due
  2. Math: M1 L 16 HW
  3. Word study: complete the packet for unit 4
  4. Vocabulary: Write a meaningful sentence for each “aud/audi” root word in your vocabulary notebook.
  5. Field Trip Permission Slip

Upcoming Assessments: Fri 10/11/2019

Math: Module 1 Lessons 13-16 Quiz

Word Study: Unit 4 quiz

10/7/19 HW

Homework: Due Tuesday 10/8/2019

  1. Math: M1 L 15 HW
  2. Word study: “Introducing the words” “Definitions” “Match the Meaning” “Synonyms” and “Antonyms” sections for unit 4
  3. Vocabulary: Fill out the root word “Aud/Audi” definitions on the back of the slip for each of the 5 words.

Upcoming Assessments: Fri 10/11/2019

Math: Module 1 Lessons 13-16 Quiz

Word Study: Unit 4 quiz

10/4/19 HW

Homework: Due Monday 10/7/2019

  1. Math: M1 L 14 HW
  2. First draft of your Naming The Classroom Persuasive essay is due

Upcoming Assessments: Mon 10/7/2019

Math: Module 1 Lessons 11-12 Quiz

Word Study: Unit 3 quiz

Mystery Science: Magnets quiz

10/3/19 HW

Homework: Due Friday 10/4/2019

  1. Word Study: 5 word Arts or a story containing 8 of the words from unit 3
  2. Math: M1 L 13 HW
  3. Complete the Main reason and supporting details graphic organizer for naming the classroom essay

Due Mon. 10/7/2019

First draft of your Naming The Classroom Persuasive essay is due


Upcoming Assessments: Mon 10/7/2019

Math: Module 1 Lessons 11-12 Quiz

Word Study: Unit 3 quiz

Mystery Science: Magnets quiz