Homework 5/3

1. Word Study- Write a meaningful sentence for each word.

2. Math- Complete Lesson 5 packet.

3. Science- Complete Water Cycle Packet- due Fri. 5/4.

4. Tech- Please refer to Ms. Ho’s page for Mini Golf Coding Project.

Fourth round of Poetry Smackdown Mon. 5/7
Swimming Wed. 5/9
Weekly Assessments Fri. 5/11

Homework 5/3

1. Word Study- Ch. 4 Complete the rest of the packet.

2. Science- Complete Water Cycle Packet- due Fri. 5/4.

3. Tech- Please refer to Ms. Ho’s page for Mini Golf Coding Project.

Fourth round of Poetry Smackdown Mon. 5/7
Swimming Wed. 5/9
Weekly Assessments Fri. 5/11
Text Structure Magazine due Mon. 5/21

Homework 4/27

1. Word Study- Ch. 4 Complete first page front and back.

2. Math- Complete Adding & Subtracting Fractions handout.

Third round of Poetry Smackdown Mon. 4/30
Colonial Poems due Mon. 4/30
NYS Math Exam Tues. 5/1 & Wed. 5/2

Homework 4/26

1. Word Study- Create 4 word arts.

2. Math- Complete multiplying fraction with whole number handout.

3. Social Studies: First Continental Congress packet due tomorrow if you did not finish in class.

Weekly Assessments (WS Ch. 3, Math Summative Assessment Part 2)
April Birthday Celebration Fri. 4/27
Third round of Poetry Smackdown Mon. 4/30
Colonial Poems due Mon. 4/30
NYS Math Exam Tues. 5/1 & Wed. 5/2

Homework 4/24

1. Word Study- Write a meaningful sentence for each word.

2. Math- Complete handout.

Signed portfolios are past due.
Swimming Wed. 4/25
April Birthday Celebration Fri. 4/27
Third round of Poetry Smackdown Mon. 4/30

Homework 4/23

1. Word Study- Ch. 3 Complete second page front and back.

2. Math- Complete angles handout.

Signed portfolios are past due.
Swimming Wed. 4/25
April Birthday Celebration Fri. 4/27
Third round of Poetry Smackdown Mon. 4/30

Homework 4/20

1. Word Study- Ch. 3 Complete first page front and back.

2. Math- Complete Algebraic Thinking Trifold.

3. Social Studies- Complete the first 3 pages of the First Continental Congress packet if you did not finish in class.

Second round of Poetry Smackdown Mon. 4/23
Swimming Wed. 4/25
April Birthday Celebration Fri. 4/27

Homework 3/28

1. Complete any unfinished work from class today.
2. Bring in a lunch, snack, & umbrella for Aladdin trip tomorrow.

Aladdin Trip (Bring a snack & lunch) Thurs. 3/29
Spring Break starts Fri. 3/30.
We return on Mon. 4/9
NYS ELA Exam Tues. 4/11 & Wed. 4/12
We’re in need to tissues.

Spring Break Homework

Dear 4th Graders,

Below is the work for you to complete during the Spring Break. Please read the assignments carefully, and bring the completed work back to school on April 9, 2018.

1. Vocabulary: Complete the front and back of the first page for the packet.

2. Math: Complete the word problem packet.

3. Reading: Complete the close reading packet (Annuals vs Perennials) using RACE format.

4. Achieve 3000: Complete at least 2 Achieve 3000 articles.

Have a wonderful break!

Homework 3/27

1. Word Study- Write a meaningful sentence for each word.

2. Math- Complete MIF p. 119 123, & 125.

3. ELA- Complete the multiple choice questions for One Day and One Amazing Morning on Orange Street.
(a) Read excerpt and write gist statements.
(b) Annotate questions in your own word
(c) Indicate in the text where you found your answer.

Mean, Median, Mode, & Range Assessment Wed. 3/28
Aladdin Trip (Bring a snack & lunch) Thurs. 3/29
Spring Break starts Fri. 3/30.
We return on Mon. 4/9
NYS ELA Exam Tues. 4/11 & Wed. 4/12
We’re in need to tissues.