Participatory Budgeting Voting at TAG on Wednesday, March 22nd and Friday, March 24th, 7:30am-6:00pm

TAG is included in City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito’s Participatory Budgeting ballot.  If funded, our project will provide up to 5 new, full laptop carts for our classrooms. Residents of the following zip codes are eligible to vote:







Any resident of these zip codes, ages 14 and older can vote here at TAG on Wednesday, March 22nd and Friday, March 24th, from 7:30am to 6:00pm. Please come out and encourage your eligible neighbors, friends, and community members to come to TAG and vote to fund our project.  The more votes cast  for our project, the more likely it is to be funded.

Go to the following link to learn a little more about the participatory budgeting process.

2nd Marking Period Awards Assemblies

2nd Marking Period Awards Assemblies will be held the week of March 13th, 2017.  All assemblies will begin at 8:15am.  We look forward to celebrating your child’s accomplishments with you.

Kindergarten                              Monday, March 13

First and Second Grades         Tuesday, March 14

Third and Fourth Grades         Wednesday, March 15

Fifth and Sixth Grades             Thursday, March 16

Seventh and Eighth Grades    Friday, March 17th

Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher Conferences will be on Thursday, March 9th, 2017.  This will be a half day of school for all students, with dismissal at 11:05am.

Afternoon conferences will be held from 12:00pm and end at 3:00pm.  Evening conferences will begin at 5:30pm and end at 7:30pm.

Conference times are also available, after school, on Tuesday, March 14th  and Tuesday, March 21st.

To sign up for conferences, you can access all Kindergarten through Fourth Grade teachers’ sign-up pages by going to the “Parent/Teacher Conference Sign-Up,” Tab on, or you can click on the appropriate link, below.

Please remember that you may make only 1 appointment per child.

Please make sure to include your child’s full name (first and last) in the, “Comments/Questions,” section.

Ms. Sun          K-112

Ms. Terzi        K-113

Ms. Liu           1-119

Ms. Jaffri        1-121

Ms. Andres    2-122

Ms. Keshen    2-124

Ms. Donnelly  3-117

Ms. Blount      3-123

Ms. Dolginko  4-210

Ms. Chiu 4-212


All Fifth through Eighth Grade teachers, as well as Cluster Teachers will see parents on a, “First Come, First Served,” basis.  Fifth and Sixth Grade conferences will be held in the auditorium.

Seventh and Eighth Grade Conferences will be held in the gym.

We look forward to seeing you all.

1st Marking Period Awards Assemblies

Monday, December 19th                      1st and 2nd Grade

Tuesday, December 20th                     3rd and 4th Grade

Wednesday, December 21st               5th and 6th Grade

Thursday, December 22nd                  7th and 8th Grade


All assemblies will take place in the TAG Auditorium and will begin at 8:15am.